”Hi! I'm Kari. My creative passions are fabric, functional art and surface pattern design. I enjoy the creative process, working with fabrics and combining prints and colors to fashion practical, everyday items for personal use or thoughtful gifts. While art is often (or should be) a patient process more than an efficient one, I do appreciate the ability to participate in both the creative process and the functional aspects of the final result.

I believe that our desire to create comes from being created in the image of God, our Creator. Whether it's trying a new recipe, taking a photograph, writing a story, or building a sandcastle, most of us enjoy creating something unique. In Exodus 35:30-35, it says God gave both the skill for artistic design, and the ability to teach others. kari elizabeth designs was born from this desire to use the talents God has given and to create and share beautiful things that bring glory to God and joy to others. I hope it stirs your creativity and brings you joy as well!

How nice to meet you!

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